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General Treatment
Toes, Callusand Corns, Plantar Warts, Ingrown Toenails, Diabetes Assessment and Treatment

About Your Podiatry Hallett Cove and Brighton

Toenails can be all shapes and sizes. Many people of all ages have difficulty cutting their own toe nails. You may find it difficult to cut your toe nails if they are thick, in-grown or if you are unable to reach your feet. A podiatrist can help you cut your toe nails for the short term whilst you are pregnant and unable to reach them or regularly for you. Most people who require regular treatments come in every 6-12 weeks.

Callus and Corns:
Callus and Corns are common painful foot conditions. These are caused by pressure from the way your foot functions when walking or from foot wear. Podiatrists remove these skin lesions and provide advices to prevent them from returning. It is recommended not to use medicated products from the chemist to remove the corns or callus as they may cause damage to your feet.

Plantar Warts:
Are another common skin lesion that is found on the sole of the foot or toes. Plantar warts are sometimes misdiagnosed as corns. These two lesions are completely different from one another and need to be treated differently. A plantar wart is a virus that affects the skin. Much like all viruses, they can easily spread so they are best treated as soon as they are found or felt. Please see your podiatrist to have a correct diagnosis and treatment plan.

Ingrown Toenails (non-surgical and surgical procedures):
In-grown toe nails can be through incorrect cutting techniques, trauma to the toe nail or sometimes just through the nail changing shape. Sometimes these nails need only 1-2 treatments for relief, other in-grown toe nails need either regular treatment for ongoing relief or a simple surgical procedure so the painful nail section no longer grows back. This is preformed by your podiatrist. Your podiatrist will give you a thorough assessment and recommend a treatment outcome for your in-grown toe nail.

Diabetes Assessment and Treatment :
People with diabetes are at greater risk of developing serious foot problems if individual glucose levels are not controlled for a long period of time. Diabetes can affect your circulation and nerve supply to your legs and feet. This degeneration in the feet and legs can cause a decreased ability to fight infection. All these factors contribute to a reduced ability to heal wounds. With an understanding of diabetes through education and regular podiatry diabetes assessments people with diabetes are more likely not to suffer from these lower limb complications. Information early prevents complications from occurring in the future.

"Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."
Abraham Lincoln

Your Podiatry
Mia Low

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